-This post sponsored by Oriental Trading Company, all ideas and opinions are my own-

Easter is just around the corner so I have been trying to get some Easter projects finished up and posted. In one way I feel like it seems crazy to think that it is almost Easter, but on the other hand it seems kind of weird that it is still a few weeks away because it is a little later in the year this year. These Personalized Easter Pails are super quick and easy to put together so even with Easter coming soon you still have time to make them. All you need are some plastic buckets, vinyl, and a cutting machine to cut the vinyl.

I ordered a dozen plastic buckets from Oriental Trading Company and while I was getting those I also picked up a few other things to use for our big family Easter party. I picked out some little toys and stuffed animals for the kids, a cute beanbag toss game, and some plastic eggs. They had a lot of Easter stuff to choose from and even though the buckets were not specifically Easter products I thought they would be perfect for collecting eggs during an Easter egg hunt.

I put my kids's names and my nieces' and nephews' names on the buckets. It didn't take a long time, at least not to do each bucket, although it really didn't even take a lot of time to do all 12.

How to Make Personalized Easter Buckets
You will need:
- Plastic Buckets
- Adhesive Vinyl (I chose to use all white because I love the way it popped on the bright colors)
- Cricut or other cutting machine
In your cutting machine software, I use a Cricut so I was working in Design Space, you will need to get your names ready. I played around with different fonts until I found one that I liked the size and style of. I ended up going with the birthday cakes font in Cricut Design Space. I typed in all of the names that I needed and I sized them to 2" tall so that they were all the same size.
Next cut out the names using the Cricut or other cutting machine. Cut apart into indiviual names and weed.
Normally you would use transfer tape to take the vinyl letters of of the backing and put into place on the bucket. You can do that but I was almost out of transfer tape so I just peeled the letters of and stuck them on the bucket one by one.
These buckets are perfect for collecting eggs during an Easter egg hunt. And because they aren't overly Easter-y they can be used for non Easter stuff after Easter is over.

These buckets are perfect for collecting eggs during an Easter egg hunt. And because they aren't overly Easter-y they can be used for non Easter stuff after Easter is over.

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