5 Little Monsters: Little Ghost Pillows

Little Ghost Pillows

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Normally I am not super into Halloween, especially decorations. I don't love gory or scary stuff, so Halloween was never my favorite holiday. At least beyond dressing up kids to go trick or treating. But for some reason this year I have been more into Halloween decor. Maybe it is because the time I spent making all my little Halloween amigurumi but me in more of a Halloween mood. Whatever the reason, I have been enjoying making some Halloween projects lately. 

I thought it would be fun to make some cute little stuffed ghosts to use as throw pillows in my living room, so I did, and I think they turned out really fun. 

I picked up a couple different kinds of soft, fleecy white fabrics. The plainer one I picked up at JoAnn, I can't remember exactly what it was called but it wasn't the regular blizzard fleece. I think it was luxe fleece, or lush fleece or something like that. It has a softer texture more similar to a pinky or cuddle fabric. The other I just picked up at Walmart in their precut fabrics. It was a thick, textured fleece with a zigzag type design. I really wanted some texture and also fabric that was really soft so these were perfect. 

I used black felt to make the faces, I wanted something that I could just stitch on without worrying about fraying or anything like that. They are little pillows that kind of double as a Halloween plushie. 

I feel like you could easily make these little ghosts without a pattern, and each one would be just a little bit different, but I did make a pattern that I used for these ghosts that you can print out if you would like. I made one pattern size, the tall ghost, and then I just folded the pattern in the middle to make the smaller ghost.

How to Make Little Ghost Pillows

Finished Size: about 17" x 10" and 12" x 10"

You will need:


Print the ghost pillow pattern, or create your own. 

To use the printable pattern cut out the pattern pieces and tape them together along matching lines. 

Cut 2 of the pattern out of white fleece, then cut the face pieces out of black felt.

To make the smaller one I folded the pattern in the center (the straight section) to make it smaller. I also trimmed the face pieces to be slightly smaller. 

Place the black face pieces on one of the ghost shapes and stitch in place. I just used a straight stitch just inside the edge of the felt.

Pin the two ghost pieces together and sew around, leaving an opening a couple inches long on one of the straight sides. 

Clip your curves as needed, then turn right side out 

Stuff the ghost, making sure to get stuffing in the scallops along the bottom. You want to stuff them pretty firmly to get them to hold their shape well. Be prepared to use a lot of stuffing.

Once your ghost is fully stuffed hand stitch the opening closed. 

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