5 Little Monsters: Little Flashlight- Summer Mini Amigurumi Crochet Along Day 2

Little Flashlight- Summer Mini Amigurumi Crochet Along Day 2

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 *Ebook with all 12 patterns included available for purchase on Etsy and Ravelry

It is Day 2 of the Summer 2023 Mini Amigurumi Crochet Along, and todays mini amigurumi is not going to be a big surprise if you saw the announcement post because you got a little sneak peek of it there. 

Today's camping themed mini amigurumi is a little flashlight. I mentioned before that there would be a mixture of animals and camping supplies (about half and half) and since yesterday we started off with an animal, today is our first camping supply or item.  

When I first came up with the idea for a camping theme a little flashlight was one of the first things I thought of that I could include. You can go camping without some kind of flashlights, or lanterns, or both, so it just seemed like something I had to include. 

Just like was the case in the Mini Amigurumi Advent that I did at Christmas, I added a little smiley face to each item. I think the smiley face adds an extra cuteness to the objects so I love it, but you could obviously leave it off if that is your preference. 

I made my little flashlight with gray yarn, with a little red switch, and pale yellow for the light/lens, but just like many other items in this series a flashlight can be any color you want and this is a great way to use up stash yarn leftover from other projects. The lens would be a really fun place to use glow in the dark yarn too!

 *Ebook with all 12 patterns included available for purchase on Etsy and Ravelry

How to Crochet a Little Flashlight

Finished Size: about 3.5" tall 

You will need:


The flashlight and the lens are both made in continuous rounds beginning with a magic ring, and the switch is made working into a starting chain. You will make the lens first because the last round of the flashlight you will work through both the lens and the flashlight attaching the lens. The switch will be sewn on later. 

The ridges on the handle of the flashlight are made by working front post double crochet (fpdc) stitches where directed in the pattern.  First you will work some single crochet spike stitches around to give you something to work around, then you will work the fpdc around the sc spikes, then in later rounds you will work your post stitches around the fpdc stitches. 


Make 1 with pale yellow yarn, beginning with magic ring

Round 1: in mr, ch 1, 6 sc (6 sc)
Round 2: 2 sc in each st (12 sc)
Round 3: [2 sc in first st, 1 sc in next st] repeat around (18 sc)
Round 4: [2 sc in first st, 1 sc in next 2 sts] repeat around (24 sc)
Round 5: [2 sc in first st, 1 sc in next 3 sts] repeat around (30 sc)

Finish off and cut yarn, set aside 


Make 1 with gray yarn (or desired color), beginning with magic ring

Round 1: in mr, ch 1, 6 sc (6 sc)
Round 2: 2 sc in each st (12 sc)
Round 3: [2 sc in first st, 1 sc in next st] repeat around (18 sc)
Round 4: 1 sc in blo of each st (18 sc)
Rounds 5-7: 1 sc in each st (18 sc)
Round 8: sc in first st, work a spike st (sc) a row below (the st below in row 6), [sc in next 2 sts, spike st] 5 times, sc in last st (18 sc- 12 regular, 6 spike)
Round 9: 1 sc in each st (18 sc)
Round 10: 1 sc in first st, fpdc around spike st, [sc in next 2 sts, fpdc around spike st] 5 times, sc in last st (12 sc, 6 fpdc)
Round 11: 1 sc in each st (18 sc)
Round 12: 1 sc in first st, fpdc around previous post st from round 10, [sc in next 2 sts, fpdc around post st] 5 times, sc in last st (12 sc, 6 fpdc)
Round 13: 1 sc in each st (18 sc)
Round 14: 1 sc in each st (18 sc)
Round 15: work all sts this round in front loop only- [2 sc in first st, 1 sc in next 5 sts] repeat around (21 sc)
Round 16: [2 sc in first st, 1 sc in next 6 sts] repeat around (24 sc)
Round 17: [2 sc in first st, 1 sc in next 7 sts] repeat around (27 sc)
Round 18: [2 sc in first st, 1 sc in next 8 sts] repeat around (30 sc)
Round 19: 1 sc in each st

Attach safety eyes between rounds 17 and 18, about 3 sts apart, embroider a smile below the eyes

Add stuffing to the flashlight, you can continue to add more as you work the next round as needed, but it will be closed up by the end of the round

Round 20: place the lens in the opening of the flashlight and sc all the way around working each st through both layers attaching the lens to the flashlight (30 sc)

Finish off, weave in ends


Make 1 with red yarn (or desired color), beginning with a ch

ch 5
turn, sc in 2nd ch from hook and each ch to the end (4 sc)

Finish off and cut yarn, leaving long tail for sewing 

Stitch the switch to the flashlight between ridges, you can stitch it just below the face like I did or on the side of the flashlight, whichever you prefer

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